Justin Berry is hiding behind a ‘dark money’ pac to lie about ellen troxclair:

Mysterious signs and attack mail pieces from Justin Berry and a shadowy dark money PAC claim Ellen Troxclair “defunded the police” while she was the only Republican fighting tooth and nail against the Socialists on the Austin City Council.

The group behind the webpage attacking Ellen Troxclair is a Massachusetts based PAC called ”Protect and Serve Texas PAC”. They are not just misleading voters in this race, but attacking conservatives across the state. The organization is managed entirely by Justin Berry’s campaign consultant, Craig Murphy and they have been censured by the Travis County Republican Party for “spreading deceitful misinformation” about Troxclair’s record on law enforcement.

They were previously condemned by another local GOP as a pay-for-play operation: “This is a direct attempt to mislead voters... The mailer was sent out by “Protect and Serve PAC” which is a shell PAC setup by Craig Murphy. All contributions to the PAC are from his clients or related parties and all expenses go to Craig Murphy’s companies.”  Justin Berry has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to this PAC, and in return, they send out mail disparaging Ellen’s record with lies.

Below is the truth about each of their false claims.

Ellen troxclair increased police funding and fought back against the ‘Defund the police’ movement:

The law enforcement budget steadily and significantly increased during Ellen Troxclair’s time in office (2014-2018). In fact, the Austin police were the highest paid in the state at the end of her term, and it wasn’t until two years AFTER her term ended that the defund the police movement even started.

Justin Berry is knowingly and intentionally running a campaign based on lies that are intended to deceive you.

He served as the Vice President of the Austin police union while Troxclair was on the city council, and they worked together throughout their collective bargaining process to increase support and pay for our police (3). As further proof of this, Troxclair and Berry stood together on stage at a Save Austin Now press conference announcing a ballot initiative to ensure local law enforcement was properly funded (4). This past summer, they even went to the border together to deliver supplies to our state troopers stationed in Del Rio (5). While Berry claims to be upset about a vote from 2017, as recently as August of 2021, he publicly praised Troxclair as a “conservative leader.”

COVID-19 Mandates:

Ellen never supported a mask mandate and was a vocal opponent of all COVID-19 mandates. She is the ONLY CANDIDATE in this race to sign the pledge against vaccine mandates.

If you notice on their attack page they do not provide a link or date to the interview they cite (you can view the interview here). The reporter who conducted the interview, recently Tweeted that it was taken out of context:

Meanwhile, Ellen’s opponent - Justin Berry - was a vocal supporter of COVID-19 lockdowns and masks:

Troxclair did not vote with liberals:

Ellen Troxclair was the LONE CONSERVATIVE on the Austin City Council and was heralded by conservative groups nationwide for her efforts fighting back against leftists efforts to tread on our rights and increase our taxes.

As anyone who as served their community on a board or non-profit knows, almost every vote taken by a voting body are apolitical. Most are approval of minutes and mundane expenditures like approving sewer connections and stop signs. On the votes that matter, Troxclair repeatedly proved she had the principles and integrity to vote right everytime. She was the ONLY council member to stand up to the far left, voting against efforts to subsidize Planned Parenthood and legal aid for illegal immigrants.

Why is justin berry lying about Ellen? to hide from his liberal record.

Justin Berry is endorsed by the same liberal labor unions that support Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke.

Justin Berry denies the existence of a border crisis and has publicly supported amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Ellen Troxclair is the Proven Conservative.

Because of Ellen’s proven conservative record of fighting for families and freedom, she has earned the endorsement of conservative leaders like Senator Ted Cruz, Congressman Chip Roy, Representative Terry Wilson, Sheriff Buddy Mills, Sheriff Calvin Boyd and Freedom Caucus Chair Mayes Middleton — as well as conservative watchdog groups like Gun Owners of America, Texas Right to Life, Texas Alliance for Life, Young Conservatives of Texas, Restore Liberty, and Texas Values. These conservative leaders and organizations are diligent in their vetting and would not be supporting Ellen if the opponent’s allegations were even remotely true.

Integrity and accountability matter. Justin Berry knows that my experience and proven conservative record will prevail in this election, which is why he is trying to defeat me through blatant lies.